\name{GetRepeatRanking-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{GetRepeatRanking-methods} \alias{GetRepeatRanking,GeneRanking,FoldMatrix,ANY,missing,missing-method} \alias{GetRepeatRanking,GeneRanking,BootMatrix,missing,missing,missing-method} \alias{GetRepeatRanking,GeneRanking,missing,missing,ANY,ANY-method} \title{Repeat rankings for altered dataset} \description{ Altered datasets are typically prepared by calls to \link{GenerateFoldMatrix} or \link{GenerateBootMatrix}. The process of ranking is then repeated for each of these new 'artificial' datasets. One major goal of this procedure is to examine the stability of the results of the unchanged original dataset. } \section{Methods}{ The input (an object of class \code{GeneRanking} is obligatory) can be given in three different ways: \describe{ \item{R = "GeneRanking", P = "FoldMatrix"}{signature 1} \item{R = "GeneRanking", P = "BootMatrix"}{signature 2} \item{R = "GeneRanking", P = "missing"}{signature} } For further argument and output information, consult \link{GetRepeatRanking} } \keyword{univar}