\name{size.globalSeg} \alias{size} \alias{size.default} \alias{size.globalSeg} \alias{Max.globalSeg} \alias{Min.globalSeg} \alias{Length.globalSeg} \alias{Max} \alias{Max.default} \alias{Min} \alias{Min.default} \alias{Length} \alias{Length.default} \title{Size.globalSeg} \description{ Tools manipulating size,max,min,length of elements of class globalSeg } \usage{ size.globalSeg(a) Max.globalSeg(a) Min.globalSeg(a) Length.globalSeg(a,global=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{a}{elements of class globalSeg} \item{global}{if TRUE: return one value (number segments) if FALSE return a vector (number of segments in each elements of the list)} } \value{ return a vector with min, max, size or length of each element of the list (a element of class globalSeg is a list of elements of class segments). } \author{Odile Rogier} \examples{ a = list( matrix( c( 1, 15, 17, 5, 45, 38),ncol=2), matrix( c( 100 , 120),ncol=2), matrix( c( 130, 135, 140, 145),ncol=2), matrix( c( 142 , 160),ncol=2)) a = as.globalSeg(a) Length(a) Length(a,global=TRUE) size(a) Max(a) Min(a) } \keyword{utilities}