\name{seqSkew} \alias{seqSkew} \alias{GCcontent} \title{compute the strand assymetries from one sequence fragment} \description{ compute the strand assymetries from one sequence fragment } \usage{ seqSkew(seqno = 0, from=1,to=0,strand=getStrand(),case = "all") GCcontent(seqno = 0, from=1,to=0,case = "all",...) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Input sequence number. (bufseq)} \item{from,to}{Begining and ending of sequence, can be vectors. 0 represent the last nucleotide and 1 the first one.} \item{case}{"all"} \item{strand}{strand} \item{...}{other parameters} } \value{ a data frame with 4 columns as follow \item{TA skew or TA pourcent}{(T-A)/(T+A) or count(TA) / count(TAGCN)} \item{GC skew or GC pourcent}{(G-C)/(G+C) or count(GC) / count(TAGCN)} \item{total skew or C pourcent}{TA+GC skews or count(C) / count(TAGCN)} } \author{Yves d'Aubenton and Emna} \seealso{\code{\link{densityProfile}},\code{\link{bankDensityProfile}},\code{\link{compoSeq}}} \keyword{utilities} \examples{ s<-"CGTACGTAGTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTAGCTGATCGATGCTAGCTGATCGATGCT" placeString(s,seqno=0) x<-c(1,8,15,50) y<-c(5,12,19,54) seqSkew(seqno=0,from=x,to=y,strand=0) seqSkew(seqno=0,from=x,to=y,strand=1) GCcontent(seqno=0,from=x,to=y) }