\name{getSeq} \alias{getSeq} \title{Sequence fragments extraction} \description{ Extracts sequence fragments. getSeq further converts the fragments in character strings from the GeneR sequence buffer. } \usage{ getSeq(seqno=0, strand = getStrand(), from=1, to=0) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} \item{from, to}{Integer/scalar, Absolute addresses of the begin and the end of the fragment, (1 means the first nucleotide and 0 conventionally the last one; from must not be larger than to and both vectors must be the same size)} \item{strand}{Integer/scalar, Strand (forward: 0, reverse: 1)} } \value{ A vector of character strings. if error : NULL } \author{L.Cottret } %\seealso{\code{\link{getSeq}}} \examples{ s<-"cgtagtagctagctagctagctagctag" placeString (s, seqno=1) getSeq(1,from=c(1,5,10),to=c(5,10,15)) #[1] "CGTAG" "GTAGCT" "TAGCTA" # And on the reverse: setStrand(1) getSeq(1,from=c(1,5,10),to=c(5,10,15)) ## The reverse complement getSeq(1,strand=1) } \seealso{\code{\link{assemble}}, \code{\link{concat}}, \code{\link{appendSeq}}, and for character string manipulation: \code{\link{substr}} } \keyword{utilities}