\name{and.globalSeg} \alias{and.globalSeg} \alias{&.globalSeg} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Intersection of global segments} \description{ Computes intersection of two objects of class globalSeg a and b, i.e. returns segments that are both in a and b. When used with only one object of class globalSeg, it computes intersection of all its segments set (an segments sets is a set of segments; an object of class globalSeg is a set of segments sets). In this case, when global=TRUE, it computes the intersection of all the segments (see example below). } \usage{ and.globalSeg(a, b = NULL, global = FALSE, byrows = FALSE, relist = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{a,b}{elements of class globalSeg} \item{global}{used if b=NULL} \item{byrows}{if TRUE, \code{a} and \code{b} must be lists of same length, and intersection is computed for each elements from \code{a} with its homologue in \code{b}. } \item{relist}{is TRUE, results are re-listed (envelops are union of all \code{a} and \code{b}). } \item{...}{Unused} } \value{ an element of class globalSeg. } \author{Odile Rogier} \seealso{\link{globalSeg},\link{and.segSet}} \examples{ a = list( matrix( c( 1, 15, 17, 5, 45, 38),ncol=2), matrix( c( 100 , 120),ncol=2), matrix( c( 130, 135, 140, 145),ncol=2), matrix( c( 142 , 160),ncol=2)) b = list( matrix( c(15, 28, 18, 45),ncol=2), matrix( c(1, 15, 25, 10, 20, 40),ncol=2), matrix( c(17, 35, 23, 38),ncol=2), matrix( c(100, 110, 105, 120),ncol=2)) a = as.globalSeg(a) b = as.globalSeg(b) c = and(a,b,byrows=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(5,1)) plot(a,xlim=c(1,160),main="A") plot(b,xlim=c(1,160),main="B") plot(a&b,xlim=c(1,160),main="A&B") plot(c,xlim=c(1,160),main="A&B, byrow=T") plot(and(a),xlim=c(1,160),main="and(A)") ## Show result a&b c and(a) } \keyword{utilities}