\name{getOrfs} \alias{getOrfs} \alias{maxOrf} \title{Gets ORFs from a sequence} \description{ Gets ORFs (Open Reading Frames) from a sequence. } \usage{ getOrfs(phase = NULL,seqno=0,start="atg", stop=c("taa","tag","tga"), complete = TRUE,suborfs=TRUE) maxOrf(seqno=0,phase = NULL,start="atg", stop=c("taa","tag","tga"), complete = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{seqno}{Integer/scalar, Sequence number (buffer number)} \item{phase}{Integer/scalar,. 1,2 or 3, NULL for all three phases} \item{start}{string/vector, start codons} \item{stop}{string/vector, stop codons} \item{complete}{Flag: true returns only complet Orfs, else return all Orfs.} \item{suborfs}{Flag: true returns all orfs including subparts of a large orf if it exists "atg" in the phase. False: does not returns sub-orfs.} } \value{ getOrf returns a table of positions. NULL if no Orfs. maxOrf returns the size of the largest Orf, -1 if no Orf. All functions return NA if error. } \author{A. Lucas, Emna Marrakchi and Vincent Lefort} \note{Reverse strand : not implemented} \examples{ s<-"gtcatgcatgctaggtgacagttaaaatgcgtctaggtgacagtctaacaa" placeString(s) getOrfs(phase = NULL,seqno=0) maxOrf() # To get all ORFs on the reverse strand: sc <- getSeq(0,1) placeString(sc,seqno=1) getOrfs(phase = NULL,seqno=1) # All orfs on both strands : rbind(getOrfs(seqno=0),getOrfs(seqno=1)) } \keyword{utilities}