\name{getOBOCollection} \alias{getOBOCollection} \title{Read OBO-specified Gene Ontology Collections} \description{ \code{getOBOCollection} parses a uri (file or internet location) encoded following the OBO specification defined by the Gene Onotology consortium. } \usage{ getOBOCollection(uri, evidenceCode="ANY", ...) } \arguments{ \item{uri}{A file name or URL containing gene sets encoded following the OBO specification.} \item{evidenceCode}{A character vector of evidence codes.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to the \code{\link{OBOCollection}} constructor.} } \value{ \code{getOBOCollection} returns an \code{OBOCollection} of gene sets. The gene set is constructed by parsing the file for \code{id} tags in \code{TERM} stanzas. The parser does not currently support all features of OBO, e.g., the ability to import additional files. } \references{ \url{http://www.geneontology.org} } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{OBOCollection}}, \code{\link{OBOCollection}} } \examples{ ## 'fl' could also be a URI fl <- system.file("extdata", "goslim_plant.obo", package="GSEABase") getOBOCollection(fl) # GeneSetCollection of 2 sets \dontrun{ ## Download from the internet fl <- "http://www.geneontology.org/GO_slims/goslim_plant.obo" getOBOCollection(fl, evidenceCode="TAS") } } \keyword{manip}