\name{OBOCollection-class} \docType{class} % OBOCollection-class \alias{OBOCollection-class} \alias{subsets} \alias{subsets,OBOCollection-method} \alias{[,OBOCollection,character,missing-method} \alias{coerce,OBOCollection,graphNEL-method} \alias{coerce,graphNEL,OBOCollection-method} \alias{show,OBOCollection-method} \title{Class "OBOCollection"} \description{ \code{OBOCollection} extends the \code{\link{GOCollection}} class, and is usually constructed from a file formated following the OBO file format. See \code{\linkS4class{CollectionType}} for general use of collections with gene sets. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are instantiated with calls to \code{\link{OBOCollection}} or \code{\link{getOBOCollection}}. } \section{Slots}{ \code{OBOCollection} extends \code{GOCollection} and \code{OBOCollection} has the following additional slots (these slots are NOT meant to be manipulated directly by the user): \describe{ \item{\code{.stanza}:}{A \code{data.frame} representing the stanzas present in an OBO file. Row names of the data frame are unique stanza identifiers. The \code{value} column contains the stanza name (e.g., \sQuote{Term}, i.e., the stanza name associated with a GO identifier).} \item{\code{.subset}}{A \code{data.frame} representing (optional) subsets defined in the collection. Subsets are defined in the header of an OBO file with a subsetdef tag. Row names of the data frame are the subsetdef names; the \code{value} column contains the subset definition.} \item{\code{.kv}}{A \code{data.frame} representing key-value pairs in the OBO source file. The row names of the data frame correspond to lines in the OBO file. The \code{stanza_id} column indexes the row of \code{.stanza} describing the stanza in which the key-value pair occured. The remaining columns (\code{key}, \code{value}) contain the parsed key and value.} } } \section{Methods}{ \code{OBOCollection} has the following methods, in addition to those inherited from \code{\linkS4class{GOCollection}}. These methods list and select subsets of \code{OBOCollection}: \describe{ \item{subsets}{\code{signature(object="OBOCollection", display="named")}: return a character vector of subsets present in \code{object}. Valid values for \code{display} are \sQuote(named) (a named character vector, with names equal to the names of the subsets and values the descriptions), \sQuote{full} (a character vector of name and description, with each pair formated into a single entry as \dQuote{name (description)}), \sQuote{key} (subset names), or \sQuote{value} (subset descriptions).} \item{[}{\code{signature(object="OBOCollection", i="character", j="missing", ...)}: return an \code{OBOCollection} by selecting just those subsets whose name matches the string(s) in \code{i}. This method calls the \code{[,GOCollection} method so, e.g., \code{evidenceCode} can be used to restricts which evidence codes the collection will identify.} } These methods coerce to and from \code{OBOCollection}: \describe{ \item{as}{\code{signature(object="OBOCollection", "graphNEL")}: create a directed graph with nodes generated from \code{ids(object)} and edges from \code{is_a} relations of \code{object}.} \item{as}{\code{signature(object="graphNEL", "OBOCollection")}: create an \code{OBOCollection} with \code{ids} from the graph nodes, and edges from \code{inNodes(object)}.} } } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\link{OBOCollection}} constructor; \code{\linkS4class{CollectionType}} classes. } \references{ \url{http://www.geneontology.org} for details of the OBO format. } \examples{ fl <- system.file("extdata", "goslim_plant.obo", package="GSEABase") obo <- getOBOCollection(fl) obo subsets(obo) obo["goslim_plant", evidenceCode="TAS"] g <- as(obo["goslim_goa"], "graphNEL") if (interactive() && require("Rgraphviz")) { plot(g) } } \keyword{classes}