\name{CollectionType} \alias{CollectionType} \alias{NullCollection} \alias{ExpressionSetCollection} \alias{ComputedCollection} \alias{KEGGCollection} \alias{OMIMCollection} \alias{PfamCollection} \alias{PrositeCollection} \alias{PMIDCollection} \alias{ChrCollection} \alias{ChrlocCollection} \alias{MapCollection} \alias{GOCollection} \alias{OBOCollection} \alias{BroadCollection} \title{Collection Type Class Constructors} \description{ These functions construct collection types. Collection types can be used in manipulating (e.g., selecting) sets, and can contain information specific to particular sets (e.g., 'category' and 'subcategory' classifications of 'BroadCollection'.) } \usage{ NullCollection(...) ComputedCollection(...) ExpressionSetCollection(...) ChrCollection(ids,...) ChrlocCollection(ids,...) KEGGCollection(ids,...) MapCollection(ids,...) OMIMCollection(ids,...) PMIDCollection(ids,...) PfamCollection(ids, ...) PrositeCollection(ids, ...) GOCollection(ids=character(0), evidenceCode="ANY", ontology="ANY", ..., err=FALSE) OBOCollection(ids, evidenceCode="ANY", ontology="ANY", ...) BroadCollection(category, subCategory=NA, ...) } \arguments{ \item{category}{(Required) Broad category, one of "c1" (postitional), "c2" (curated), "c3" (motif), "c4" (computational), "c5" (GO).} \item{subCategory}{(Optional) Sub-category; no controlled vocabulary.} \item{ids}{(Optional) Character vector of identifiers (e.g., GO, KEGG, or PMID terms).} \item{evidenceCode}{(Optional) Character vector of GO evidence codes to be included, or "ANY" (any identifier; the default). Evidence is a property of particular genes, rather than of the ontology, so evidenceCode is a convenient way of specifying how users of a GOCollection might restrict derived objects (as in done during create of a gene set from an expression set).} \item{ontology}{(Optional) Character vector of GO ontology terms to be included, or "ANY" (any identifier; the default). Unlike evidence code, ontology membership is enforced when GOCollection gene sets are constructed.} \item{err}{(Optional) logical scalar indicating whether non-existent GO terms signal an error (\code{TRUE}), or are silently ignored (\code{FALSE}).} \item{...}{Additional arguments, usually none but see specific \code{linkS4class{CollectionType}} classes for possibilities.} } \value{ An object of the same class as the function name, initialized as appropriate for the collection. } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{CollectionType}}, } \examples{ NullCollection() ## NullCollection when no collection type specified collectionType(GeneSet()) collectionType(GeneSet(collectionType=GOCollection())) ## fl could be a url fl <- system.file("extdata", "Broad.xml", package="GSEABase") gs1 <- getBroadSets(fl)[[1]] collectionType(gs1) # BroadCollection ## new BroadCollection, with different category bc <- BroadCollection(category="c2") ## change collectionType of gs2 gs2 <- gs1 collectionType(gs2) <- NullCollection() ## OBOCollection fl <- system.file("extdata", "goslim_plant.obo", package="GSEABase") getOBOCollection(fl, evidenceCode="TAS") # returns OBOCollection OBOCollection(c("GO:0008967", "GO:0015119", "GO:0030372", "GO:0002732", "GO:0048090")) } \keyword{manip}