\name{hmceuB36.2021} \alias{hmceuB36.2021} \docType{data} \title{ two chromosomes of genotype data and full expression data for CEPH CEU hapmap data} \description{ two chromosomes of genotype data and full expression data for CEPH CEU hapmap data} \usage{data(hmceuB36.2021)} \format{ The format is: Formal class 'smlSet' [package "GGBase"] with 9 slots ..@ smlEnv : ..@ annotation : chr "illuminaHumanv1.db" ..@ chromInds : num [1:2] 20 21 ..@ organism : chr "Hs" ..@ assayData : ..@ phenoData :Formal class 'AnnotatedDataFrame' [package "Biobase"] with 4 slots ..@ featureData :Formal class 'AnnotatedDataFrame' [package "Biobase"] with 4 slots ..@ experimentData :Formal class 'MIAME' [package "Biobase"] with 13 slots ..@ ...classVersion..:Formal class 'Versions' [package "Biobase"] with 1 slots } %\details{ % ~~ If necessary, more details than the ..description.. above ~~ %} %\source{ % ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~ %} %\references{ % ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~ %} \examples{ #data(hmceuB36.2021) } \keyword{datasets}