\name{getGEOSuppFiles} \alias{getGEOSuppFiles} \title{Get Supplemental Files from GEO} \description{ NCBI GEO allows supplemental files to be attached to GEO Series (GSE), GEO platforms (GPL), and GEO samples (GSM). This function "knows" how to get these files based on the GEO accession. No parsing of the downloaded files is attempted, since the file format is not generally knowable by the computer. } \usage{ getGEOSuppFiles(GEO, makeDirectory = TRUE, baseDir = getwd()) } \arguments{ \item{GEO}{A GEO accession number such as GPL1073 or GSM1137} \item{makeDirectory}{Should a "subdirectory" for the downloaded files be created? Default is TRUE. If FALSE, the files will be downloaded directly into the baseDir.} \item{baseDir}{The base directory for the downloads. Default is the current working directory.} } \details{ Again, just a note that the files are simply downloaded. } \value{ A data frame is returned invisibly with rownames representing the full path of the resulting downloaded files and the records in the data.frame the output of file.info for each downloaded file. } \author{Sean Davis } \examples{ a <- getGEOSuppFiles('GSM1137') a } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ database }