\name{tile} \alias{tile} \alias{untile} \alias{tile,Image-method} \alias{tile,list-method} \alias{untile,Image,numeric-method} \concept{image manipulation} \title{ Generate a tiled image from a stack of images } \description{ Given an image stack (or a list of such those), \code{tile} generates for each stack a single image with frames tiled. \code{untile} does exactly the opposite dividing a tiled image into a stack. } \usage{ \S4method{tile}{Image}(x, nx=10, lwd=1, fg.col="#E4AF2B", bg.col="gray", ...) \S4method{tile}{list}(x, nx=10, lwd=1, fg.col="#E4AF2B", bg.col="gray", ...) \S4method{untile}{Image,numeric}(x, nim, lwd=1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of \code{\linkS4class{Image}} or a list of such objects. Images must be grayscale and carry object indexing information, like those returned by \code{\link{watershed}} or \code{\link{propagate}}. } \item{nx}{ The number of tiled images in a row. } \item{lwd}{ The width of the grid lines between tiled images, can be 0. } \item{fg.col}{ The color of the grid lines (if \code{lwd > 0}). This will be converted to Grayscale if the color mode of \code{x} is \code{Grayscale}. } \item{bg.col}{ The color of the background for extra tiles. This will be converted to Grayscale if the color mode of \code{x} is \code{Grayscale}. } \item{nim}{A numeric vector of 2 elements for the number of images in both directions.} \item{...}{ Reserved. } } \value{ An image of the same class and in the same color mode as \code{x}. } \details{ \code{tile} for \code{x=list} is a useful addition to \code{stackObjects}, which returns a list of stacks, thus it can be directly used on the result of the latter. } \seealso{ \code{ \link{stackObjects}, \link{combine} }} \examples{ ## see example(stackObjects) } \author{ Oleg Sklyar, \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk}, 2006-2007 } \keyword{manip}