\name{vignetteCode-class} \docType{class} \alias{vignetteCode-class} \alias{vignetteCode} \alias{getDepends} \alias{evalChunk} \alias{evalEnv} \alias{vigPackage} \alias{path} \alias{show,vignetteCode-method} \alias{chunkList,vignetteCode-method} \alias{chunks,vignetteCode-method} \alias{evalChunk,vignetteCode-method} \alias{evalEnv,vignetteCode-method} \alias{getChunk,vignetteCode-method} \alias{getDepends,vignetteCode-method} \alias{numChunks,vignetteCode-method} \alias{path,vignetteCode-method} \alias{setChunk<-,vignetteCode-method} \alias{summary,vignetteCode-method} \alias{vigPackage,vignetteCode-method} \title{Class "vignetteCode"} \description{This class represents the code chunks and other related information from a vignette file. It also provides for the ability to evaulate the code chunks in a separate environment.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("vignetteCode", ...)} Also, a helper function \code{getVignetteCode} is provided that will do all of the dirty work required to retrieve a \code{vignetteCode} object from a vignette file.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{chunkList}:}{Object of class \code{"chunkList"} Holds the code chunks from the vignette file} \item{\code{path}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The path of the vignette file } \item{\code{package}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The package (if appropriate) that the vignette came from } \item{\code{getDepends}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Any package dependencies for the vignette } \item{\code{evalEnv}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"} An environment used for evaulation of the code chunks.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Displays information about the code contained in the object} \item{chunkList}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Retrieves the \code{chunkList} object.} \item{chunks}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Retrieves the actual code chunks (not wrapped by the \code{chunkList} class)} \item{getDepends}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Returns the list of package dependencies for this vignette} \item{evalChunk}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode",pos="numeric")}: Will evaulate the specified code chunk in the \code{evalEnv} environment} \item{evalEnv}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Returns the evaluation environment} \item{getChunk}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode",pos="numeric")}: Returns the \code{codeChunk} object representing the specified code chunk position} \item{numChunks}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Returns the number of chunks in the object } \item{vigPackage}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Returns the package the vignette is a part of } \item{path}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: Returns the local file path to the vignette } \item{setChunk<-}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode",pos="numeric", value="character")}: Resets the code chunk specified by \code{pos} to contain the code specified by \code{value}} \item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "vignetteCode")}: A less verbose output of information then with \code{show} } } } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}}, \code{\link{getVignetteCode}}, \code{\link{editVignetteCode}}, \code{\link{chunkList}}} \keyword{classes}