\name{getVignetteHeader} \alias{getVignetteHeader} \alias{hasVigHeaderField} \title{A function to read vignette header information} \description{ Given a vignette filename, will read in the vignette header metadata. } \usage{ getVignetteHeader(vig, field) hasVigHeaderField(vig, field="VignetteIndexEntry") } \arguments{ \item{vig}{Vignette filename} \item{field}{A specific field to extract} } \details{ The \code{getVignetteHeader} function will extract the metadata from a vignette file and return it as a named list, where the names of the list elements correspond to the metadata fields, and the elements themselves the values. If a specific field is desired, it can be specified with the 'field' argument. The \code{hasVigHeaderField} function is a simple wrapper around \code{getVignetteHeader} and will most likely be removed in the very near future. It just is a boolean to report if a given header field exists or not. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \keyword{utilities}