\name{getPkgVigList} \alias{getPkgVigList} \alias{getVigInfo} \alias{baseVigDesc} \alias{print.pkgFileList} \alias{getVigInfoNames} \alias{transformVigInfoLine} \title{A function to retrieve a listing of package vignettes} \description{ Functionality to retrive vignette metadata, on a per-vignette or a per-package level. } \usage{ getPkgVigList(pkg, vigDescFun=baseVigDesc, vigPath = "/doc/", vigExt="\\.(Rnw|Snw|rnw|snw|Rtex)$", pkgVers = TRUE) getVigInfo(vig,pkg=NULL, vigDescFun=baseVigDesc, pkgVers=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{pkg}{Path to a package directory} \item{vig}{Filename of a vignette} \item{vigDescFun}{Function to provide output string for display} \item{vigPath}{Path to directory that contains vignettes in the package} \item{vigExt}{Regular expression pattern to match vignette file extensions} \item{pkgVers}{Record the package version with the other vignette metadata} } \details{ getPkgVigList: This function will look at all vignette files in the directory \code{/}. It will then extract any header information (using \code{getVigInfo}), and return a list of this information. getVigInfo: This function will retrieve the metadata from a particular vignette file. Any line starting with '\%\\Vignette' is taken to be metadata. Common values include VignetteIndexEntry (required), VignetteKeywords, VignetteDepends, etc. A named list of lists is returned to the user, where the names correspond to the particular metadata variable. Both functions take a parameter \code{baseVigDesc}, which is a function to provide the output string to correspond with a vignette summary. This function is directly called by \code{getVigInfo}. It takes one parameter, which is a vigInfo list from \code{getVigInfo}. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{vignette}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## We need a vignette for this to work dynPath <- system.file(package="DynDoc") vigList <- getPkgVigList(dynPath) vigList } } \keyword{utilities}