\name{DynDoc-class} \docType{class} \alias{DynDoc-class} \alias{pdfPath} \alias{getKeywords} \alias{getRequires} \alias{getSuggests} \alias{indexEntry} \alias{codeChunks} \alias{summary,DynDoc-method} \alias{chunks,DynDoc-method} \alias{codeChunks,DynDoc-method} \alias{evalChunk,DynDoc-method} \alias{getChunk,DynDoc-method} \alias{getDepends,DynDoc-method} \alias{getKeywords,DynDoc-method} \alias{getRequires,DynDoc-method} \alias{getSuggests,DynDoc-method} \alias{indexEntry,DynDoc-method} \alias{numChunks,DynDoc-method} \alias{path,DynDoc-method} \alias{pdfPath,DynDoc-method} \alias{setChunk<-,DynDoc-method} \alias{show,DynDoc-method} \title{A Class For Dynamic Documents} \description{The DynDoc class is used to represent dynamic documents and vignettes in R.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{indexEntry}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The IndexEntry value from the document file} \item{\code{title}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The name of the document} \item{\code{path}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The path to the locally stored file} \item{\code{pdfPath}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} The path to a PDF rendition of the document} \item{\code{depends}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Any package dependencies for the document} \item{\code{requires}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Any requires level dependencies for the document} \item{\code{suggests}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Any suggests level dependencies for the document} \item{\code{keywords}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} Any keywords for the document} \item{\code{codeChunks}:}{Object of class \code{"chunkList"} The code chunks contained in this document} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Display information about the dynamic document} \item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: A more succinct informational display} \item{chunks}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Returns the code chunks - currently in only for historical compatability with old code} \item{codeChunks}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Returns the code chunks} \item{evalChunk}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Will evaluate the R code contained in a chunk} \item{getChunk}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Retrieves a specific code chunk} \item{getDepends}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the Depends slot of the object} \item{getKeywords}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the keywords slot of the object} \item{getRequires}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: A get method for the requires slot of this object} \item{getSuggests}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the suggests slot of this object} \item{indexEntry}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the indexEntry slot of this object} \item{numChunks}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Returns the number of code chunks for this document } \item{path}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the path slot of this object} \item{pdfPath}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Obtain the pdfPath slot of this object} \item{setChunk<-}{\code{signature(object = "DynDoc")}: Change the code for one of the code chunks.} } } \author{Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}}} \keyword{classes}