\name{getbdry} \alias{getbdry} \alias{default.DNAcopy.bdry} \title{Sequential stopping boundary} \description{ Function to compute the sequential boundary for early stopping. } \usage{ getbdry(eta, nperm, max.ones, tol= 1e-2) } \arguments{ \item{eta}{Type I error rate of the boundary.} \item{nperm}{Number of permutations for the reference distribution.} \item{max.ones}{maximum number of ones given by "floor(nperm*alpha)+1".} \item{tol}{tolerance level for the iterations.} } \value{ A vector integer values of length max.ones*(max.ones+1)/2 corresponding to the boundary for the number of ones from 1 to max.ones. The default boundary for nperm=10000, eta=0.05, alpha=0.01 is stored in the data object "default.DNAcopy.bdry". Use this function to get the boundary for your favorite values for the parameters "nperm, eta, alpha" and use it for the argument "sbdry" in the function "segment." } \keyword{nonparametric}