\name{pairs-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{pairs.DEDS} \alias{pairs} \alias{pairs-methods} \title{Pairs Plot for DEDS Objects} \description{ The function \code{pairs-DEDS} produces pairs plots of statistics or p values for \code{\link{DEDS-class}} objects. } \usage{ \method{pairs}{DEDS}(x, subset=c(1:nrow(x$stats)), labels = colnames(x$stats[,-1]), logit = FALSE, diagonal = c("qqnorm", "boxplot", "density", "histogram", "none"), lower = c("cor", "none"), groups.by.deds = TRUE, thresh = 0.05, reg.line = NULL, smooth = FALSE, line.by.group = FALSE, diag.by.group = TRUE, lower.by.group = FALSE, col = palette(), pch = 1:n.groups, lwd = 1, legend.plot = length(levels(groups)) > 1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of \code{\link{DEDS}}.} \item{subset}{A numeric vector indicating the subset of points to be plotted.} \item{labels}{A character vector specifying the names of the variables.} \item{logit}{A logical variable, if \code{TRUE} the variables are logged, useful when plotting p values.} \item{diagonal}{A character string specifying the type of plot to be applied in the diagonal panels. \cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{diagonal="qqnorm"}: \tab \code{\link{qqnorm}} on the diagonal\cr \code{diagonal="boxplot"}: \tab \code{\link{boxplot}} on the diagonal\cr \code{diagonal="density"}: \tab \code{\link{density}} on the diagonal\cr \code{diagonal="histogram"}: \tab \code{\link{hist}} on the diagonal\cr \code{diagonal="none"}: \tab no special plot will be applied on the diagonal } } \item{lower}{A character string specifying the function to be applied in the lower panels. \cr \tabular{ll}{ \code{lower="cor"}: \tab absolute correlation will be put on the lower panel\cr \code{none="cor"}; \tab no special function will be applied } } \item{groups.by.deds}{A logcial variable, if \code{TRUE}, points will be separated into groups according to their magnitude of q- or p-values by DEDS. } \item{thresh}{A numeric variable, if \code{thresh}<1, it specifies the threshold of significance in differential expression (DE) for q- or p-values of the DEDS object; default is set at 0.05. If \code{thresh}>1, it specifies the number of top DE genes to be highlighted. } \item{reg.line}{A function name specifying the type of regressio line to be plotted in the scatter plots. If \code{reg.line=lm}, linear regression line will be plotted; If \code{reg.line=NULL}, no regression line will be plotted in the scatter plot.} \item{smooth}{A logical variable specifying if smooth regression lines will be plotted in the scatter plots. If \code{smooth=TRUE}, a \code{\link{lowess}} line will be applied.} \item{line.by.group}{A logical variable specifying if the regression lines should be applied within groups.} \item{diag.by.group}{A logical variable specifying if the plot in the diagonal panels whould be applied groupwise.} \item{lower.by.group}{A logical variable, if \code{lower.by.group=TRUE} and \code{lower="cor"}, correlation coefficients will be calculated and printed separated according to groups in the lower panels.} \item{col}{A specification for the colors to be used for plotting different groups, see \code{\link{par}}.} \item{pch}{A specification for the type of points to be used for plotting different groups, see \code{\link{par}}.} \item{lwd}{A specification for the width of lines to be used if lines are plotted; see \code{\link{par}}.} \item{legend.plot}{A logical variable specifying if the legend will be plotted.} \item{\ldots}{Extra parameters for plotting.} } \details{ The function \code{pairs.DEDS} implements a S3 method of \code{\link{pairs}} for \code{\link{DEDS}}. The \code{\link{DEDS}} class is a simple list-based class to store DEDS results and it is usually created by functions \code{\link{deds.pval}}, \code{\link{deds.stat}}, \code{\link{deds.stat.linkC}}. The list contains a "stat" component, which stores statistics or p values from various statistical tests. The function \code{pairs.DEDS} extracts the "stat" component and produces a matrix of scatterplot. \code{pairs.DEDS} as a default highlights points (corresponding to genes) with adjusted p- or q-values less than a user defined threshold. The user can select among a series of options a plot for the diagonal panel; as a default, it produces a \code{\link{qqnorm}} for each column in the "stat" matrix. Both the diagonal and lower panels can be stratified by specifying the \code{diag.by.group} or \code{lower.by.group} arguments. } \author{Yuanyuan Xiao, \email{yxiao@itsa.ucsf.edu}, \cr Jean Yee Hwa Yang, \email{jean@biostat.ucsf.edu}.} \seealso{\code{\link{deds.stat}}, \code{\link{deds.pval}}, \code{\link{deds.stat.linkC}}, \code{\link{hist.DEDS}}, \code{\link{qqnorm.DEDS}}} \examples{ X <- matrix(rnorm(1000,0,0.5), nc=10) L <- rep(0:1,c(5,5)) # genes 1-10 are differentially expressed X[1:10,6:10]<-X[1:10,6:10]+1 # DEDS d <- deds.stat.linkC(X, L, B=200) # pairs plot pairs(d) # plot regression line pairs(d, reg.line=lm, lwd=2) # histogram in the diagonal panel pairs(d, diagonal="hist") # boxplot on the diagonal panel and stratified pairs(d, diagonal="boxplot", diag.by.group=TRUE) } \keyword{hplot}