\name{ttperm} \alias{ttperm} \title{A simple function to compute a permutation t-test. } \description{ The data matrix, \code{x}, with two-level factor, \code{fac}, is used to compute t-tests. The values of \code{fac} are permuted \code{B} times and the complete set of t-tests is performed for each permutation. } \usage{ ttperm(x, fac, B = 100, tsO = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A data matrix. The number of columns should be the same as the length of \code{fac}. } \item{fac}{A factor with two levels. } \item{B}{An integer specifying the number of permutations. } \item{tsO}{A logical indicating whether to compute only the t-test statistic for each permuation. If \code{FALSE} then p-values are also computed - but this can be very slow. } } \details{ Not much more to say. Probably there is a generic function somewhere, but I could not find it. } \value{ A list, the first element is named \code{obs} and contains the true, observed, values of the t-statistic. The second element is named \code{ans} and contains a list of length \code{B} containing the different permuations. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link[genefilter]{rowttests}} } \examples{ x=matrix(rnorm(100), nc=10) y = factor(rep(c("A","B"), c(5,5))) ttperm(x, y, 10) } \keyword{manip}