\name{probes2Path} \alias{probes2Path} \title{A function to map probe identifiers to pathways. } \description{ Given a set of probe identifiers from a microarray this function looks up all KEGG pathways that the probe is documented to be involved in. } \usage{ probes2Path(pids, data = "hgu133plus2") } \arguments{ \item{pids}{A vector of probe identifiers. } \item{data}{The character name of the chip. } } \details{ This is a simple look up in the appropriate chip \code{PATH} data environment. } \value{ A list of pathway vectors. One element for each value of \code{pid} that is mapped to at least one pathway. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{findAMstats}} } \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") x = c("1001_at", "1000_at") probes2Path(x, "hgu95av2.db") } \keyword{manip}