\name{makeValidParams} \alias{makeValidParams} \title{Non-standard Generic for Checking Validity of Parameter Objects} \description{ This function is not intended for end-users, but may be useful for developers extending the Hypergeometric testing capabilities provideded by the Category package. \code{makeValidParams} is intended to validate a parameter object instance (e.g. HyperGParams or subclass). The idea is that unlike \code{validObject}, methods for this generic attempt to fix invalid instances when possible, and in this case issuing a warning, and only give an error if the object cannot be fixed. } \usage{ makeValidParams(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A parameter object. Consult \code{showMethods} to see signatures currently supported.} } \value{ The value must have the same class as the \code{object} argument. } \author{Seth Falcon} \keyword{manip}