\name{makeEBcontr} \alias{makeEBcontr} \title{ A function to make the contrast vectors needed for EBarrays } \description{ Using EBarrays to detect differential expression requires the construction of a set of contrasts. This little helper function computes these contrasts for a two level factor. } \usage{ makeEBcontr(f1, hival) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{f1}{The factor that will define the contrasts.} \item{hival}{The \code{level} of the factor to treat as the high level.} } \details{ Not much more to add, see EBarrays for more details. This is used in the Category package to let users compute the posterior probability of differential expression, and hence to compute expected numbers of differentially expressed genes, per category. } \value{ An object of class ``ebarraysPatterns''. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link[EBarrays]{ebPatterns}}} \examples{ if( require("EBarrays") ) { myfac = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), c(12, 24))) makeEBcontr(myfac, "B") } } \keyword{manip}