\name{makeChrBandGraph} \alias{makeChrBandGraph} \title{Create a graph representing chromosome band annotation data} \description{ This function returns a \code{graph} object representing the nested structure of chromosome bands (also known as cytogenetic bands). The nodes of the graph are band identifiers. Each node has a \code{geneIds} node attribute that lists the gene IDs that are annotated at the band (the gene IDs will be Entrez IDs in most cases). } \usage{ makeChrBandGraph(chip, univ = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{chip}{A string giving the annotation source. For example, \code{"hgu133plus2"}} \item{univ}{A vector of gene IDs (these should be Entrez IDs for most annotation sources). The annotations attached to the graph will be limited to those specified by \code{univ}. If \code{univ} is \code{NULL} (default), then the gene IDs are those found in the annotation data source.} } \details{ This function parses the data stored in the \code{MAP} map from the appropriate annotation data package. Although cytogenetic bands are observed in all organisms, currently, only human and mouse band nomenclatures are supported. } \value{ A \code{\link[graph]{graph-class}} instance. The graph will be a tree and the root node is labeled for the organism. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ chrGraph <- makeChrBandGraph("hgu95av2.db") chrGraph } \keyword{manip}