\name{local_test_factory} \alias{local_test_factory} \alias{hg_test_factory} \title{Local and Global Test Function Factories} \description{ These functions return functions appropriate for use as the \code{tfun} argument to \code{topdown_tree_visitor} or \code{bottomup_tree_visitor}. In particular, it is these functions that are associated with the "local" and "global" options for the \code{type} argument to \code{cb_test}. } \usage{ local_test_factory(selids, tableTest = chisq.test) hg_test_factory(selids, PCUT = 0.05, COND = FALSE, OVER = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{selids}{A vector of gene IDs. The IDs should match those used to annotatate the \code{ChrBandTree} given by \code{chrtree}. In most cases, these will be Entrez Gene IDs.} \item{tableTest}{A contingency table testing function. The behavior of this function must be reasonably close to that of \code{chisq.test}.} \item{PCUT}{A p-value cutoff that will be used to determine if a given test is significant or not when using \code{hg_test_factory} with \code{COND=TRUE}.} \item{COND}{A logical value indicating whether a conditional test should be performed.} \item{OVER}{If \code{TRUE}, test for over representation, if \code{FALSE}, test for under representation.} } \details{ The returned functions have signature \code{f(start, g, prev_ans)} where \code{start} is a vector of start nodes, \code{g} is a chromosome band tree graph, and \code{prev_ans} can contain the previous result returned by a call to this function. } \value{ A function that can be used as the \code{tfun} argument to the tree visitor functions. } \author{Seth Falcon} \seealso{\code{\link{cb_test}}} \examples{ } \keyword{internal}