\name{findAMstats} \alias{findAMstats} \title{Compute per category summary statistics } \description{ For a given incidence matrix, \code{Amat}, compute some per category statistics. } \usage{ findAMstats(Amat, tstats) } \arguments{ \item{Amat}{An incidence matrix, with categories as the rows and probes as the columns. } \item{tstats}{A vector of per probe test statistics (should be the same length as \code{ncol(Amat)}. } } \details{ Simple summary statistics are computed, such as the row sums and the vector of per category sums of the test statistics, \code{tstats}. } \value{ A list with components, \item{eDE }{per category sums of the test statistics} \item{lens }{row sums of \code{Amat}} } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{applyByCategory}}} \examples{ ts = rnorm(100) Am = matrix(sample(c(0,1), 1000, replace=TRUE), ncol=100) findAMstats(Am, ts) } \keyword{manip}