\name{categoryToEntrezBuilder} \docType{genericFunction} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder,KEGGHyperGParams-method} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder,PFAMHyperGParams-method} \title{Return a list mapping category ids to Entrez Gene ids} \description{ Return a list mapping category ids to the Entrez Gene ids annotated at the category id. Only those category ids that have at least one annotation in the set of Entrez Gene ids specified by the \code{geneIds} slot of \code{p} are included. } \usage{ categoryToEntrezBuilder(p) } \arguments{ \item{p}{A subclass of \code{HyperGParams-class}} } \details{ End users \bold{should not} call this directly. This method gets called from \code{hyperGTest}. To add support for a new category, a new method for this generic must be defined. Its signature should match a subclass of \code{HyperGParams-class} appropriate for the new category. } \value{ A list mapping category ids to Entrez Gene identifiers. } \author{S. Falcon} \seealso{ \code{\link{hyperGTest}} \code{\link{HyperGParams-class}} } \keyword{manip}