\name{NewChrBandTree} \alias{NewChrBandTree} \alias{ChrBandTreeFromGraph} \title{Create a new ChrBandTree object} \description{ \code{NewChrBandTree} and \code{ChrBandTreeFromGraph} provide constructors for the \code{ChrBandTree} class. } \usage{ NewChrBandTree(chip, univ) ChrBandTreeFromGraph(g) } \arguments{ \item{chip}{The name of an annotation data package} \item{univ}{A vector of gene identifiers that defines the universe of genes. Usually, this will be a vector of Entez Gene IDs. If \code{univ} is \code{NULL}, then all genes probed on the specified chip will be in the universe. We strongly recommend using the set of genes that remains after applying a non-specific filter as the universe.} \item{g}{A \code{graph} instance as returned by \code{makeChrBandGraph}} } \value{ A new \code{ChrBandTree} instance. } \author{S. Falcon} \seealso{\code{\link{ChrBandTree-class}}} \keyword{ }