\name{GOHyperGParams-class} \docType{class} \alias{GOHyperGParams-class} \alias{show,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{categoryName,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{annotation,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{isConditional,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{conditional,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{conditional<-,GOHyperGParams,logical-method} \alias{ontology,GOHyperGParams-method} \alias{ontology<-,GOHyperGParams,character-method} \title{Class "GOHyperGParams"} \description{ A parameter class for representing all parameters needed for running the \code{hyperGTest} method with one of the GO ontologies (BP, CC, MF) as the category. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("GOHyperGParams", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ontology}:}{A string specifying the GO ontology to use. Must be one of "BP", "CC", or "MF".} \item{\code{conditional}:}{A logical indicating whether the calculation should condition on the GO structure.} \item{\code{geneIds}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: A vector of gene identifiers. Numeric and character vectors are probably the only things that make sense. These are the gene ids for the selected gene set.} \item{\code{universeGeneIds}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: A vector of gene ids in the same format as \code{geneIds} defining a subset of the gene ids on the chip that will be used as the universe for the hypergeometric calculation. If this is \code{NULL} or has length zero, then all gene ids on the chip will be used.} \item{\code{annotation}:}{A string giving the name of the annotation data package for the chip used to generate the data.} \item{\code{categorySubsetIds}:}{Object of class \code{"ANY"}: If the test method supports it, can be used to specify a subset of category ids to include in the test instead of all possible category ids.} \item{\code{categoryName}:}{A string describing the category. Usually set automatically by subclasses. For example "GO".} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"HyperGParams"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{hyperGTest(p)}}{Perform hypergeometric tests to assess overrepresentation of category ids in the gene set. See the documentation for the generic function for details. This method must be called with a proper subclass of \code{HyperGParams}.} \item{\code{ontology(p)}, \code{ontology(p) <- value}}{Accessors for the GO ontology. When setting, \code{value} should be one of "BP", "CC", or "MF".} \item{\code{conditional(p)}, \code{conditional(p) <- value}}{Accessors for the conditional flag. When setting, \code{value} must be \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.} \item{\code{isConditional(p)}}{An alias for \code{conditional}.} } } \author{S. Falcon} \seealso{ \code{\link{HyperGResult-class}} \code{\link{GOHyperGParams-class}} \code{\link{geneKeggHyperGeoTest}} \code{\link{hyperGTest}} } \keyword{classes}