\name{DatPkg-class} \docType{class} \alias{DatPkg-class} \alias{AffyDatPkg-class} \alias{YeastDatPkg-class} \alias{Org.XX.egDatPkg-class} \alias{DatPkgFactory} \alias{ID2GO} \alias{ID2EntrezID} \alias{GO2AllProbes} \alias{ID2GO,DatPkg-method} \alias{ID2EntrezID,AffyDatPkg-method} \alias{ID2EntrezID,YeastDatPkg-method} \alias{ID2EntrezID,Org.XX.egDatPkg-method} \alias{ID2EntrezID,ArabidopsisDatPkg-method} \alias{GO2AllProbes,DatPkg-method} \alias{GO2AllProbes,YeastDatPkg-method} \alias{GO2AllProbes,Org.XX.egDatPkg-method} \title{Class "DatPkg"} \description{ \code{DatPkg} is a \code{VIRTUAL} class for representing annotation data packages. \code{AffyDatPkg} is a subclass of \code{DatPkg} used to represent standard annotation data packages that follow the format of Affymetrix expression array annotation. \code{YeastDatPkg} is a subclass of \code{DatPkg} used to represent the annotation data packages for yeast. The yeast chip packages are based on sgd and are internally different from the \code{AffyDataPkg} conforming packages. \code{Org.XX.egDatPkg} is a subclass of \code{DatPkg} used to represent the \code{org.*.eg.db} organism-level Entez Gene based annotation data packages. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it. Given the name of an annotation data package, \code{DatPkgFactory} can be used to create an appropriate \code{DatPkg} subclass. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{name}{A string giving the name of the annotation data package.} } } \section{Methods}{ See \code{showMethods(classes="DatPkg")}. %% FIXME: TODO: add doc for methods The set of methods, \code{ID2EntreizID} map between the standard IDs for an organism, or Chip and EntrezIDs, typically to give a way to get the GO terms. Different organisms, such as S. cerevisae and A. thaliana have their own internal IDs, so we need specialized methods for them. } \author{Seth Falcon} \examples{ DatPkgFactory("hgu95av2") \dontrun{ DatPkgFactory("org.Sc.sgd") DatPkgFactory("org.Hs.eg.db") DatPkgFactory("ag") } } \keyword{classes}