\name{ftable} \alias{ftable,cloutput-method} \title{Cross-tabulation of predicted and true class labels} \description{ An object of class \code{\link{cloutput}} contains (among others) the slot \code{y} and \code{yhat}. The former contains the true, the last the predicted class labels. Both are cross-tabulated in order to obtain a so-called confusion matrix. Counts out of the diagonal are misclassifications.} \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link{cloutput}}} \item{\dots}{Currently unused argument.} } \value{No return.} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \seealso{For more advanced evaluation: \code{\link{evaluation}}} \keyword{multivariate}