\name{WiltingNorm} \docType{data} \alias{WiltingNorm} \title{Normalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.} \description{ Normalized log2 ratios frm cervical cancer arrayCGH data, containing 3552 features for 5 samples. These data have been normalized using the \code{\link[cghCall]{normalize}} function with default settings. } \usage{WiltingCalled} \format{ An object of class \code{\link{cghRaw}}. } \source{ Wilting, S.M., Snijders, P.J., Meijer, G.A., Ylstra, B., van den IJssel, P.R., Snijders, A.M., Albertson, D.G., Coffa, J., Schouten, J.P., van de Wiel, M.A., Meijer, C.J., & Steenbergen, R.D. (2006). Increased gene copy numbers at chromosome 20q are frequent in both squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the cervix. \emph{Journal of Pathology, 210}, 258-259. } \keyword{datasets}