\name{spike} \alias{spike} \docType{data} \title{ Experiment Data: SpikeList Example} \description{ This \code{\link[CALIB:spikelist]{SpikeList}} object contains all the spikes in dataset \code{\link[CALIB:rg]{RG}}.It is generated by the function\cr \code{\link[CALIB:read.spike]{read.spike}} from \code{RG} and user-specified concentraion file in the CALIB package. } \usage{data(spike)} \format{ \code{spike} is an \code{SpikeList} object containing the following list components: \$R,\$G,\$Rb,\$Gb,\cr\$RArea,\$GArea,\$RConc,\$GConc and \$genes. It represents two microarrays and 600 spikes, including 480 calibration controls, 96 ratio controls and 24 negative controls. } \source{ For the source information, see the introduction of dataset \code{RG}. } \references{ dataset \code{RG}. Engelen, K., Naudts, B., DeMoor, B., Marchal, K. (2006) A calibration method for estimating absolute expression levels from microarray data. Bioinformatics 22: 1251-1258. Hilson,P.,et al. (2004) Versatile gene-specific sequence tags for Arabidopsis functional genomics: transcript profiling and reverse genetics applications. Genome Res. 14, 2176-2189. } \examples{ data(spike) plotSpikeRG(spike,array=1) } \keyword{datasets}