\name{calibReadMe} \alias{calibReadMe} \title{ View CALIB readme file} \description{ Finds the location of the CALIB readme file and optionally opens it. } \usage{ calibReadMe(view = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{view}{ logical, \code{TRUE} means open the readme file and \code{FALSE} means finds out the location of the file only.} } \details{ The function \code{vignette("limma")} will find the short CALIB vignette which describes how to obtain the CALIB readme file. The readme file is not a true vignette because it is not automatically generated using 'Sweave' during the package build process. This means that it cannot be found using \code{vignette}, hence the need for this special function. If the operating system is other than Windows, then the PDF viewer used is the one given by \code{Sys.getenv("R\_PDFVIEWER")}. The PDF viewer can be changed using \code{Sys.putenv(R_\PDFVIEWER=)}. } \value{ Character string giving the file location. } \references{\code{\link[limma]{limmaUsersGuide}} in the limma package} \author{ Hui Zhao } \examples{ calibReadMe(view=FALSE) } \keyword{ documentation }