\name{as.BufferedMatrix} \alias{as.BufferedMatrix} \alias{is.BufferedMatrix} \title{Check or Coerce object to BufferedMatrix} \description{'as.BufferedMatrix' will coerce the supplied object into a BufferedMatrix. 'is.BufferedMatrix' checks whether the supplied argument is a BufferedMatrix. } \usage{ as.BufferedMatrix(x, bufferrows=1, buffercols=1,directory=getwd()) is.BufferedMatrix(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an R object} \item{bufferrows}{number of rows to be buffered if the row buffer is activated} \item{buffercols}{number of columns to be buffered} \item{directory}{path to directory where temporary files should be stored} } \details{ These functions are useful for converting between R \code{\link{matrix}} objects and \code{\link[BufferedMatrix-class]{BufferedMatrix}} objects. } \author{B. M. Bolstad } \keyword{manip}