\name{GENETIC_CODE} \alias{GENETIC_CODE} \alias{RNA_GENETIC_CODE} \title{The Standard Genetic Code} \description{ Two predefined objects (\code{GENETIC_CODE} and \code{RNA_GENETIC_CODE}) that represent The Standard Genetic Code. } \usage{ GENETIC_CODE RNA_GENETIC_CODE } \details{ Formally, a genetic code is a mapping between tri-nucleotide sequences called codons, and amino acids. The Standard Genetic Code (aka The Canonical Genetic Code, or simply The Genetic Code) is the particular mapping that encodes the vast majority of genes in nature. \code{GENETIC_CODE} and \code{RNA_GENETIC_CODE} are predefined named character vectors that represent this mapping. } \value{ \code{GENETIC_CODE} and \code{RNA_GENETIC_CODE} are both named character vectors of length 64 (the number of all possible tri-nucleotide sequences) where each element is a single letter representing either an amino acid or the stop codon \code{"*"} (aka termination codon). The names of the \code{GENETIC_CODE} vector are the DNA codons i.e. the tri-nucleotide sequences (directed 5' to 3') that are assumed to belong to the "coding DNA strand" (aka "sense DNA strand" or "non-template DNA strand") of the gene. The names of the \code{RNA_GENETIC_CODE} are the RNA codons i.e. the tri-nucleotide sequences (directed 5' to 3') that are assumed to belong to the mRNA of the gene. Note that the values in the \code{GENETIC_CODE} and \code{RNA_GENETIC_CODE} vectors are the same, only their names are different. The names of the latter are those of the former where all occurences of T (thymine) have been replaced by U (uracil). } \author{H. Pages} \references{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi} } \seealso{ \code{\link{AA_ALPHABET}}, \code{\link{AMINO_ACID_CODE}}, \code{\link{trinucleotideFrequency}}, \code{\link{DNAString}}, \code{\link{RNAString}}, \code{\link{AAString}} } \examples{ GENETIC_CODE RNA_GENETIC_CODE all(GENETIC_CODE == RNA_GENETIC_CODE) # TRUE } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{data}