\name{fixedWidthCat} \alias{fixedWidthCat} \alias{numName} \alias{sepInt} \title{Control the output of show methods} \description{ \code{fixedWidthCat} makes sure that the output of a show method fits on the page by inserting lines breaks into long strings. \code{numName} converts an integer to it's literal name. \code{sepInt} prints integers with a comma as separator between 1000s } \usage{ fixedWidthCat(x, width=getOption("width")) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An R object which is to be shown.} \item{width}{The number of characters after which lines are to be broken.} } \value{ A character vector of the output with long lines broken } \author{Florian Hahne} \examples{ long <- paste(rep(letters[1:24], 5), sep="", collapse="") fixedWidthCat(long) } \keyword{misc}