\name{listLen} \alias{listLen} \title{Lengths of list elements} \description{ This function returns an integer vector with the length of the elements of its argument, which is expected to be a list. } \usage{ listLen(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A list} } \details{ This function returns a vector of the same length as the list \code{x} containing the lengths of each element. The current implementation is intended for lists containing vectors and the C-level length function is used to determine lenght. This means no dispatch is done for the elements of the list. If your list contains S4 objects, you should use \code{sapply(x, length)} instead. } \author{Jeff Gentry and R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{sapply}}} \examples{ foo = lapply(1:8, rnorm) listLen(foo) } \keyword{utilities}