\name{featureNames} \alias{featureNames} \alias{featureNames<-} \alias{sampleNames} \alias{sampleNames<-} \title{Retrieve feature and sample names from eSets.} \description{ These generic functions access the feature names (typically, gene or SNP identifiers) and sample names stored in an object derived from the \code{\link{eSet-class}}. } \usage{ featureNames(object) featureNames(object) <- value sampleNames(object) sampleNames(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object, possibly derived from class \code{eSet}.} \item{value}{Character vector containing feature or sample names.} } \value{ \code{featureNames} returns a (usually long!) character vector uniquely identifying each feature.\code{sampleNames} returns a (usually shorter) character vector identifying samples. } \author{Biocore} \seealso{\code{\link{ExpressionSet-class}}, \code{\link{SnpSet-class}}} \keyword{manip}