\name{copySubstitute} \alias{copySubstitute} \title{Copy Between Connections or Files with Configure-Like Name-Value Substitution} \description{ Copy files, directory trees or between connections and replace all occurences of a symbol by the corresponding value. } \usage{ copySubstitute(src, dest, symbolValues, symbolDelimiter="@", allowUnresolvedSymbols=FALSE, recursive = FALSE, removeExtension = "\\.in$") } \arguments{ \item{src}{Source, either a character vector with filenames and/or directory names, or a connection object.} \item{dest}{Destination, either a character vector of length 1 with the name of an existing, writeable directory, or a connection object. The class of the \code{dest} argument must match that of the \code{src} argument.} \item{symbolValues}{A named list of character strings.} \item{symbolDelimiter}{A character string of length one with a single character in it.} \item{allowUnresolvedSymbols}{Logical. If \code{FALSE}, then the function will execute \code{\link[base:stop]{stop}} if it comes across symbols that are not defined in \code{symbolValues}.} \item{recursive}{Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the function works recursively down a directory tree (see details).} \item{removeExtension}{Character. Matches to this regular expression are removed from filenames and directory names.} } \details{ Symbol substitution: this is best explained with an example. If the list \code{symbolValues} contains an element with name \code{FOO} and value \code{bar}, and symbolDelimiter is \code{@}, then any occurence of \code{@FOO@} is replaced by \code{bar}. This applies both the text contents of the files in \code{src} as well as to the filenames. See examples. If \code{recursive} is \code{FALSE}, both \code{src} and \code{dest} must be connection or a filenames. The text in \code{src} is read through the function \code{\link[base:readLines]{readLines}}, symbols are replaced by their values, and the result is written to \code{dest} through the function \code{\link[base:readLines]{writeLines}}. If \code{recursive} is \code{TRUE}, \code{\link[Biobase:copySubstitute]{copySubstitute}} works recursively down a directory tree (see details and example). \code{src} must be a character vector with multiple filenames or directory names, \code{dest} a directory name. One use of this function is in \code{\link[Biobase:createPackage]{createPackage}} for the automatic generation of packages from a template package directory. } \value{ None. The function is called for its side effect. } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.dkfz.de/mga/whuber}} \keyword{connection} \keyword{programming} \examples{ ## create an example file infile = tempfile() outfile = tempfile() writeLines(text=c("We will perform in @WHAT@:", "So, thanks to @WHOM@ at once and to each one,", "Whom we invite to see us crown'd at @WHERE@."), con = infile) ## create the symbol table z = list(WHAT="measure, time and place", WHOM="all", WHERE="Scone") ## run copySubstitute copySubstitute(infile, outfile, z) ## display the results readLines(outfile) ##-------------------------------------------------------------- ## This is a slightly more complicated example that demonstrates ## how copySubstitute works on nested directories ##-------------------------------------------------------------- d = tempdir() my.dir.create = function(x) {dir.create(x); return(x)} unlink(file.path(d, "src"), recursive=TRUE) unlink(file.path(d, "dest"), recursive=TRUE) ## create some directories and files: src = my.dir.create(file.path(d, "src")) dest = file.path(d, "dest") d1 = my.dir.create(file.path(src, "dir1.in")) d2 = my.dir.create(file.path(src, "dir2@FOO@.in")) d3 = my.dir.create(file.path(d2, "dir3")) d4 = my.dir.create(file.path(d3, "dir4")) d5 = my.dir.create(file.path(d4, "dir5@BAR@")) writeLines(c("File1:", "FOO: @FOO@"), file.path(d1, "file1.txt.in")) writeLines(c("File2:", "BAR: @BAR@"), file.path(d2, "file2.txt.in")) writeLines(c("File3:", "SUN: @SUN@"), file.path(d3, "file3.txt.in")) writeLines(c("File4:", "MOON: @MOON@"), file.path(d4, "@SUN@.txt")) ## call copySubstitute copySubstitute(src, dest, recursive=TRUE, symbolValues = list(FOO="thefoo", BAR="thebar", SUN="thesun", MOON="themoon")) ## view the result listsrc = dir(src, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) listdest = dir(dest, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) listsrc listdest cat(unlist(lapply(listsrc, readLines)), sep="\n") cat(unlist(lapply(listdest, readLines)), sep="\n") }