\name{NChannelSet-class} \docType{class} \alias{NChannelSet-class} \alias{NChannelSet} \alias{class.NChannelSet} \alias{channelNames,NChannelSet-method} \alias{channel,NChannelSet,character-method} \alias{sampleNames,NChannelSet-method} \alias{sampleNames<-,NChannelSet,list-method} \alias{selectChannels,NChannelSet,character-method} \alias{initialize,NChannelSet-method} \title{Class to contain data from multiple channel array technologies} \description{ Container for high-throughput assays and experimental meta-data. Data are from experiments where a single \sQuote{chip} contains several (more than 1) different \sQuote{channels}. All channels on a chip have the same set of\sQuote{features}. An experiment consists of a collection of several N-channel chips; each chip is a \sQuote{sample}. An \code{NChannelSet} provides a way to coordinate assay data (expression values) with phenotype information and references to chip annotation data; it extends the \code{\link{eSet}} class. An \code{NChannelSet} allows channels to be extracted (using the \code{channels} method, mentioned below), and subsets of features or samples to be selected (using \code{[, ]}). Selection and subsetting occur so that relevant phenotypic data is maintained by the selection or subset.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("NChannelSet", assayData, phenoData, ...)}. See the examples below. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{assayData}:}{ Object of class \code{\link{AssayData}}, usually an environment containing matricies of identical size. Each matrix represents a single channel. Columns in each matrix correspond to samples, rows to features. Once created, \code{NChannelSet} manages coordination of samples and channels. } \item{\code{phenoData}:}{ Object of class \code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}}. The \code{data} component of the \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} is \code{data.frame} with number of rows equal to the number of samples. Columns of the \code{data} component correspond to measured covariates. The \code{varMetadata} component consists of mandatory columns \code{labelDescription} (providing a textual description of each column label in the \code{data} component) and \code{channel}. The \code{channel} of \code{varMetadata} is a \code{factor}, with levels equal to the names of the \code{assayData} channels, plus the special symbol \code{_ALL_}. The \code{channel} column is used to indicate which channel(s) the corresponding column in the \code{data} component of \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} correspond; the \code{_ALL_} symbol indicates that the \code{data} column is applicable to all channels. \code{varMetadata} may contain additional columns with arbitrary information. Once created, \code{NChannelSet} coordinates selection and subsetting of channels in \code{phenoData}. } \item{\code{featureData}:}{ Object of class \code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}}, used to contain feature data that is unique to this experiment; feature-level descriptions common to a particular chip are usually referenced through the \code{annotation} slot. } \item{\code{experimentData}:}{ Object of class \code{\link{MIAME}} containing descriptions of the experiment. } \item{\code{annotation}:}{ Object of class \code{"character"}. Usually a length-1 character string identifying the chip technology used during the experiment. The annotation string is used to retrieve information about features, e.g., using the \code{annotation} package.} \item{\code{.__classVersion__}:}{ Object of class \code{\link{Versions}}, containing automatically created information about the class definition Biobase package version, and other information about the user system at the time the instance was created. See \code{\link{classVersion}} and \code{\link{updateObject}} for examples of use. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{eSet}"}, directly. Class \code{"\linkS4class{VersionedBiobase}"}, by class "eSet", distance 2. Class \code{"\linkS4class{Versioned}"}, by class "eSet", distance 3. } \section{Methods}{ Methods with class-specific functionality: \describe{ \item{\code{channel(object, name, ...)}}{ \code{signature(object="NChannelSet", name="character")}. Return an \code{ExperessionSet} created from the channel and corresponding phenotype of argument \code{name}. \code{name} must have length 1. Arguments \code{...} are rarely used, but are passed to the \code{ExpressionSet} constructor, for instance to influence \code{storage.mode}. } \item{\code{channelNames(object)}}{ \code{signature(object = "NChannelSet")}. Obtain names of channels contained in \code{object}. } \item{\code{selectChannels(object, names, ...}}{ \code{signature(object = "NChannelSet", names = "character")}. Create a new \code{NChannelSet} from \code{object}, containing only channels in \code{names}. The \code{...} is not used by this method. } \item{\code{object[features, samples]}}{ \code{signature(object = "NChannelSet", features = "ANY", samples = "ANY")}. Create a new \code{NChannelSet} from \code{object}, containing only elements matching \code{features} and \code{samples}; either index may be missing, or a character, numeric, or logical vector. } \item{\code{sampleNames(object) <- value}}{ \code{signature(object = "NChannelSet", value = "list")} assign each (named) element of \code{value} to the \code{sampleNames} of the correspondingly named elements of \code{assayData} in \code{object}. } } Methods with functionality derived from \code{\link{eSet}}: \code{annotation}, \code{assayData}, \code{assayData<-}, \code{classVersion}, \code{classVersion<-}, \code{dim}, \code{dims}, \code{experimentData}, \code{featureData}, \code{phenoData}, \code{phenoData<-}, \code{pubMedIds}, \code{sampleNames}, \code{sampleNames<-}, \code{storageMode}, \code{varMetadata}, \code{isCurrent}, \code{isVersioned}, \code{updateObject}. Additional methods: \code{coerce} (\sQuote(as), to convert between objects, if possible), \code{initialize} (used internally for creating objects), \code{show} (invoked automatically when the object is displayed to the screen) } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{eSet}}, \code{\linkS4class{ExpressionSet}}. } \examples{ ## An empty NChannelSet obj <- new("NChannelSet") ## An NChannelSet with two channels (R, G) and no phenotypic data obj <- new("NChannelSet", R=matrix(0,10,5), G=matrix(0,10,5)) ## An NChannelSet with two channels and channel-specific phenoData R <- matrix(0, 10, 3, dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:3])) G <- matrix(1, 10, 3, dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:3])) assayData <- assayDataNew(R=R, G=G) data <- data.frame(ChannelRData=numeric(ncol(R)), ChannelGData=numeric(ncol(R)), ChannelRAndG=numeric(ncol(R))) varMetadata <- data.frame(labelDescription=c( "R-specific phenoData", "G-specific phenoData", "Both channel phenoData"), channel=factor(c("R", "G", "_ALL_"))) phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data, varMetadata=varMetadata) obj <- new("NChannelSet", assayData=assayData, phenoData=phenoData) obj ## G channel as NChannelSet selectChannels(obj, "G") ## G channel as ExpressionSet channel(obj, "G") ## Samples "A" and "C" obj[,c("A", "C")] } \keyword{classes}