\name{plotFDR} \alias{plotFDR} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Plot estimated FDR etc. for BGmix output.} \description{ Given a threshold on the posterior probabilities, genes are declared as null or differentially expressed. For any given threshold, the FDR (false discovery rate) and FNR (false non-discovery rate) can be estimated using the posterior probabilities. This function plots these quantities twice, once versus the threshold probabilities, and once versus the number of declared positives. } \usage{ plotFDR(res, ylim = NULL, q.plotfnr = F, q.plotpcut = T, q.plotnpos = T, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{res}{ list object output from 'calcFDR'} \item{ylim}{ optional argument specifying limit for y-axis} \item{q.plotfnr}{ Include FNR in plots?} \item{q.plotpcut}{ Include the plot of error rates v. threshold on posterior probabilites?} \item{q.plotnpos}{ Include the plot of error rates v. no. positives.} \item{\dots}{arguments passed to 'plot'} } \value{ No value is returned to \R. Results from BGmix model are output to files. } \author{ Alex Lewin} \keyword{ hplot } \examples{ ## Note this is a very short MCMC run! ## For good analysis need proper burn-in period. data(ybar,ss) outdir <- BGmix(ybar, ss, c(8,8), nburn=0, niter=100, nthin=1) params <- ccParams(outdir) fdr <- calcFDR(params) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plotFDR(fdr) }