\name{ccParams} \alias{ccParams} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Read posterior means and classification probabilities from BGmix} \description{ Reads output files containing posterior means from BGmix AND reads posterior probabilities of each gene being classified in the null mixture component. } \usage{ ccParams(filedir, q.beta = T, q.sig = T, q.z = T, quiet = T) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filedir}{character. The name of the output directory created by BGmix.} \item{q.beta}{ logical. Read beta values?} \item{q.sig}{ logical. Read gene variance parameters?} \item{q.z}{ logical. Read z values?} \item{quiet}{ logical. Parameter passed to 'scan'. (If false, 'scan' prints details of number of items read in.)} } \value{ \item{mbeta }{matrix no. genes x no. effects. Posterior means of gene effect parameters (usually gene means and log fold changes).} \item{msig2}{matrix no. genes x no. variances. Posterior means of gene variances.} \item{mbb}{vector of hyperparameters (b) for gene variances (posterior means).} \item{maa}{vector of hyperparameters (a) for gene variances (posterior means).} \item{mtau}{matrix no. genes x no. conditions. Posterior means of gene precisions.} \item{mwtc}{vector of posterior mean mixture weights} \item{mzg}{vector of posterior mean allocation for each gene} \item{meta}{vector of mixture parameters (eta)} \item{mlambda}{vector of mixture parameters (lambda)} \item{pc}{matrix no. genes x no. mixture components. Posterior probability for each gene of being classified into each mixture component.} } \author{Alex Lewin} \keyword{ manip } \examples{ ## Note this is a very short MCMC run! ## For good analysis need proper burn-in period. data(ybar,ss) outdir <- BGmix(ybar, ss, c(8,8), nburn=0, niter=100, nthin=1) params <- ccParams(outdir) }