\name{selectSigGeneInt} \alias{selectSigGeneInt} \title{select differentially expressed genes from the interactionResult class} \description{ select differentially expressed genes based on p value and/or fold change from the interactionResult class } \usage{ selectSigGeneInt(object, pGroup = 0.05, fcGroup = 0, pMain = 0.05, fcMain = 0) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{an \code{interactionResult} class} \item{pGroup}{the p value that used to select significant genes at each level of the covariate} \item{fcGroup}{the fold change value that used to select significant genes at each level of the covariate} \item{pMain}{the p values that used to select significant genes among genes without any interaction effect} \item{fcMain}{the fold change values that used to select significant genes among genes without any interaction effect} } \value{ an interactionResult } \author{Xiwei Wu, Arthur Li} \examples{ data(eSetExample) design.int<- new("designMatrix", target=pData(eSetExample), covariates = c("Treatment", "Group"), intIndex = c(1, 2)) contrast.int<- new("contrastMatrix", design.matrix = design.int, interaction=TRUE) result.int<- regress(eSetExample, contrast.int) sigResult.int <- selectSigGene(result.int) intResult <- postInteraction(eSetExample, sigResult.int, mainVar ="Treatment", compare1 = "Treated", compare2 = "Control") sigResultInt <- selectSigGeneInt(intResult) }