\name{queryAE} \alias{queryAE} \docType{data} \title{ XML query of the ArrayExpress repository } \description{ \code{queryAE} queries ArrayExpress with keywords and give a list of ArrayExpress identifiers and their availability as raw and/or processed data, as an output. } \usage{ queryAE(keywords = NULL, species = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{keywords}{ the keyword(s) of interest. To use several words, they must be separated by a "+" as shown in the examples. } \item{species}{ the specie(s) of interest.} } \value{ \code{ A dataframe with character strings with all the ArrayExpress dataset identifiers which correspond to the query in the first column. The two following columns are filled with 'Yes' and 'No' according to the existence of raw and processed data.} } \seealso{\code{\link{ArrayExpress}}, \code{\link{getAE}}, \code{\link{magetab2bioc}}} \author{ Audrey Kauffmann Maintainer: } \examples{ ## To retrieve all the identifiers of cancer data sets Cancer = queryAE(keywords = "cancer") ## To retrieve all the identifiers of cancer data sets studied in human CancerHS = queryAE(keywords = "cancer", species = "homo+sapiens") ## To retrieve all the identifiers of breast cancer data sets studied in human BreastCancerHS = queryAE(keywords = "breast+cancer", species = "homo+sapiens") } \keyword{datasets}