\name{writeManPage} \alias{writeManPage} \alias{writeMan4Fun} \alias{formatName} \alias{writeREADME} \alias{writeDescription} \alias{getDsrc} \alias{getItem} \alias{getSrcNBuilt} \alias{getUrlNBuilt} \alias{getDSrc} \alias{writeAccessory} \alias{writeZZZ} \alias{getAllRdaName} \alias{writeFun} \alias{escapeLatexChr} \alias{writeMan4QC} \alias{getExample} \alias{getSrcBuiltNRef} \alias{getBuild4Yeast} \title{Functions that write supporting files needed by a data package} \description{ The functions are mainly used to write man pages and supporting functions that are needed for a data package } \usage{ writeManPage(pkgName, pkgPath, manName, organism = "human", src = "ll", isEnv = TRUE) writeMan4Fun(pkgName, pkgPath, organism = "human", QCList, dSrc = "all" ) formatName(toFormat) writeREADME(pkgPath, pkgName, urls) writeDescription(pkgName, pkgPath, version, author, dataSrc, license) getDSrc(organism) getSrcNBuilt(dSrc, organism) getUrlNBuilt(src, organism) writeAccessory(pkgName, pkgPath, organism, version, author = list(author = "who", maintainer = "My Name "), dataSrc, license) writeFun(pkgPath, pkgName, organism = "human") writeZZZ(pkgPath, pkgName) getAllRdaName(pkgName, pkgPath) escapeLatexChr(item) writeMan4QC(pkgName, pkgPath) getExample(pkgName, manName, isEnv = TRUE) getSrcBuiltNRef(src, organism) getBuild4Yeast(src, manName) } \arguments{ \item{pkgName}{A character string for the name of a data package or R library} \item{pkgPath}{A character string for the path where pkgname resides} \item{organism}{A character string for the name of the organism of interests} \item{toFormat}{A character string form whom any underscore will be removed} \item{urls}{A vector of character of string for the urls of the data source used to create the rda files} \item{dSrc}{A vector of character strings containing the short names of public data sources (e. g. LL for LocusLink)} \item{src}{A character string for the short name of a public data source} \item{version}{A character string for the version number} \item{author}{A named vector of strings with two elements named name and address, respectively. Name is a character string for the name of the person who maintains the data package and address is the email address of the person} \item{item}{A character string to be escaped by if it is a latex character} \item{QCList}{A list with statistical data derived from \code{\link{getDPStats}}} \item{manName}{\code{manName} a character string for the name of the man page to be created} \item{isEnv}{\code{isEnv} a boolean to indicate whether the object a man page concerns is an R environment or not} \item{dataSrc}{\code{dataSrc} a vector of character strings for the data sources used to create a package} \item{license}{\code{license} a character string for the license the package is under} } \details{ If pkgname = "XX" and elenames = "yy", the Rd file will be "XXyy.Rd" appended to the path if short is FALSE. Otherwise, the Rd file will be "yy.Rd" appended to the path. \code{\link{writeManPage}} writes a man page for a given object that is stored in the data directory. \code{\link{getExample}} creates a set of example code that is going to be used in a man page depending on whether the man page is for an environment object or not. \code{\link{getSrcBuiltNRef}} creates the text that is going to be used for built and reference information in a man page. \code{\link{getBuild4Yeast}} creates the text that is going to be used for built and reference information for the man page for yeast. } \value{ All functions return a character string. } \references{An Introduction to R - Writing R Extensions} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{ABPkgBuilder}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ makeSrcInfo() dir.create(file.path(".", "pkg")) dir.create(file.path(".", "pkg", "data")) dir.create(file.path(".", "pkg", "man")) writeManPage("pkg", getwd(), "CHR") list.files(file.path(getwd(), "pkg", "data")) unlink("pkg", TRUE) } } \keyword{manip}