\name{writeHomoXMLData} \alias{writeHomoXMLData} \alias{writeHGID2Caption} \alias{writeHGID2LL} \alias{writeHomoData} \alias{homoXMLParser} \title{Functions to parse HomoloGene XML data file and build the homology annotation data package} \description{ HomoloGene maintains a homology XML data file that differes both in the format and contents from the old text file version. The functions described here parse the file build the homology annotation data pacakge based on the source data. } \usage{ writeHomoXMLData(pkgName = "homology", pkgPath, version, author, url = "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/HomoloGene/build39.2/homologene.xml.gz") writeHGID2Caption(pkgName, pkgPath, hgid2Cap) writeHGID2LL(pkgName, pkgPath, hgid2LL) writeHomoData(pkgName, pkgPath, homoFile) homoXMLParser(fileName) } \arguments{ \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of the data package to be created} \item{pkgPath}{\code{pkgPath} a character string for the path to the directory where the new data package will be stored} \item{version}{\code{version} a character string for the version number of the data package to be created} \item{author}{\code{author} a list of character strings with an author (name of the author of the data package) and a maintainer (e-mail of the author of the package)} \item{url}{\code{url} a character string for the url to the ftp site where the HomoloGene XML file is available. The url change with different builds. Check the HomoloGene web site for the latest one} \item{hgid2Cap}{\code{hgid2Cap} a matrix containing mappings between HGIDs and their textual descriptions} \item{hgid2LL}{\code{hgid2LL} a matrix with mappings between HGIDs and LocusLink ids} \item{homoFile}{\code{homoFile} a character string for the name of a file containing data for homologous genes} \item{fileName}{\code{fileName} a character string for the name of the XML file downloaded/unzipped from HomoloGene's ftp site} } \details{ \code{\link{writeHomoXMLData}} calls other functions listed in this help page to complete it's tasks. All the other functions are help functions that may not of greate interest to users. } \value{ The function returns invisible(NA) } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=homologene}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \keyword{manip}