\name{sourceURLs} \alias{sourceURLs} \title{A data file contains urls for data available from various public repositories} \description{ This data file is used by various objects (through \code{\link{getSrcUrl}}) to get the correct urls for various data sources to be processed. } \details{ sourceURLs[[XX]] will get the url for data source XX, where XX is a short name for a particular public data repository. Valid names include "LL" - LocusLink, "UG" - UniGene, "GP" - GoldenPath, "GO" - Gene Ontology, "KEGG" - Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, "GEO" - Gene Expression Omnibus, and "YG" - Yeast Genome. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{pubRepo-class}}} \examples{ data("sourceURLs", package="AnnBuilder") sourceURLs[["KEGG"]] } \keyword{file}