\name{queryGEO} \alias{queryGEO} \title{Function to extract a data file from the GEO web site} \description{ Data files that are available at GEO web site are identified by GEO accession numbers. Give a GEO object with the url for a common CGI and a GEO accession number, this function extracts data from the web site and returns a matrix containing the data portion of the file } \usage{ queryGEO(GEOObj, GEOAccNum) } \arguments{ \item{GEOObj}{\code{GEOObj} a GEO object} \item{GEOAccNum}{\code{GEOAccNum} a character string for the GEO accession number of a desired file} } \details{ The GEO object contains the url for a CGI script that processes user's request. \code{\link{queryGEO}} invokes the CGI by passing a GEO accession number and then processes the data file obtained. } \value{ \code{\link{queryGEO}} returns a matrix containing data obtained. } \references{\url{www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{GEO-class}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ geo <- GEO() temp <- queryGEO(geo, "GPL49") } } \keyword{manip}