\name{print.ABQCList} \alias{print.ABQCList} \title{Prints the quality control results for a given data package in a nice format} \description{ AnnBuilder has a function (\code{getDPStats}) that generates some statistical data (a list) for a given data package for quality control purpose. print.ABQCList prints the results in a more readable format. } \usage{ print.ABQCList(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{\code{x} A list object of class ABQCList that is generated by function \code{getDPStats}} \item{\dots}{\code{\dots} Other data to be included (not implemented currently)} } \details{ The list object contains the following elements: \item{name}{A character string for the name of an rda file} \item{built}{A character string for a date} \item{probeNum}{An integer for the total number of probes in a given base file} \item{numMissMatch}{A vector of character strings for names of rda files whose total number of probes do not match that of a given base file} \item{probeMissMatch}{A vector of character strings for names of rda files whose probes do not match what are in a given base file} \item{probeMapped}{A vector of named integers for the total number of probes in a probe based rda file that have been mapped to data from public data sources. Names of the integers are the names of the rda files} \item{otherMapped}{A vector of named integers for the total number of probes in a non-probe based rda file that have been mapped to data from public data sources. Names of the integers are the names of the rda files} } \value{ No values are returned } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \note{This function is only used for building data packages} \seealso{\code{getDPStats}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Create a ABQCList x <- c(12250, 7800) names(x) <- c("file1", "file2") y <- c(2300, 3456) names(y) <- c("file3", "file4") aList <- list(name = "a test", built = date(), probeNum = 12250, numMissMatch = c("file3", "file4"), probeMissMatch = "file2", probeMapped = x, otherMapped = y) class(aList) <- "ABQCList" aList } } \keyword{misc}