\name{map2LL} \alias{map2LL} \alias{getExten} \alias{saveColSepData} \alias{getOrgName} \alias{getReverseMapping} \alias{saveData2Env} \alias{reverseMap4GO} \alias{getLL2ACC} \title{A function that maps LocusLink ids to other public repository ids and vice versa} \description{ This function uses data files provided by NCBI to create a data package that contains mappings between LocusLink ids and GO, RefSeq, and UniGene ids and vice versa } \usage{ map2LL(pkgName, pkgPath, organism, version, author, eg = EG(parser = file.path(.path.package("AnnBuilder"), "scripts", "egLLMappingUGParser")), lazyload = TRUE) getExten(what) getOrgName(organism, what = c("common", "scientific")) getReverseMapping(data, sep = ";") saveData2Env(data, fun = splitEntry, pkgName, pkgPath, envName) reverseMap4GO(data, sep = ";", type = c("ll2GO", "GO2LL") ) getLL2ACC(url = paste("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/", getExten("acc"), sep = ""), organism = "human") } \arguments{ \item{organism}{\code{organism} a character string for the name of the organism of interest} \item{pkgPath}{\code{pkgPath} a character string for the name of the directory where the created data package will be stored} \item{version}{\code{version} a character string for the version number of the data package to be created} \item{author}{\code{author} a list with an author element for the name of the creater of the data package and a maintainer element for the email address of the creater} \item{url}{\code{url} a character string for the url of NCBI's ftp site where source data are stored. Current value is \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/}} \item{what}{\code{what} a character string for the type of mapping source data (i. e. "go", "ug" ...) or description of organism name("scientific" or "short")} \item{data}{\code{data} a matrix to be processed} \item{sep}{\code{sep} a character string the separator used to separate data elements for a given entry} \item{envName}{\code{envName} a character string for the name of the environment object to be stored in the data package to be created} \item{fun}{\code{fun} the name of an R function to be called to process a data set before storing the data to an environment object} \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of data package to be created} \item{type}{\code{what} a character string that should either be "ll2GO" or "GO2LL" to indicate a reverse mapping from LocusLink id to GO or vice versa} \item{lazyload}{\code{lazyload} a boolean indicating whether a lazy load database will be created} \item{eg}{\code{eg} an EG object} } \details{ Three files namely loc2go, loc2ref, and loc2UG will be used to create the mappings. The files were in \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/} at the time of the writing. \code{\link{getExten}} maintains names for the three files. Should any of the names been changed by the server, \code{\link{getExten}} has to be modified. \code{\link{getExten}} and \code{\link{saveColSepData}} are supporting functions to \code{\link{map2LL}} } \value{ invisible } \references{\url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/LocusLink/}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Please note that the example will take a while to finish map2LL(pkgPath = tempdir(), version = "1.0.0", organism = "human", author = list(author = "myName", maintainer = "myeail@email.com")) } } \keyword{manip}